Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I had heard alot about Jivamukti being this hard core style of yoga and was really interested in giving it a go. After doing a little bit of research online I started to understand that Jivamukti is looked at more so in a spiritual way and it is about as close to a religious practice of yoga as you can get. I went to the Jivamukti yoga center in Union Square which is really big and nice, including showers and a cafe that specializes in vegeterian cuisine, since the Jivamukti practice promotes a vegetarian diet. I went to this class a little intimidated but excited at the same time. I was given a chant book to follow along with so I could participate in the chanting. It was very interesting because my class was given the gift of a guitar player who played music during the opening and closing meditation. This is also vinyasa style of yoga but poses are held for longer periods of time. The one challenge that I haven't quiet gotten over was holding shoulder stand while this five minute story was played on a record. The whole time I couldn't help but notice that my legs were falling asleep and was trying really hard to concentrate on the message of the story, which talked about some guy stepping on a bird. I think the overall message had to do with respecting animals and promoting vegetarian diet. After the story we did more meditative reflection while the guitar player rejoined us and chanted with us. I was also shocked that children were allowed in the class which was a little distracting since they kept going in and out, however at the same time it was nice to see children and their parents practicing yoga together. Although jivamukti has been looked at as cultish I didn't get that vibe except for the animal story. Overall i felt like I held my own but I could have totally done without the guitar


WOW, WOW, WOW. I never wake up this early in the morning but i made it to my 7am Ashtanga class. This style of yoga is similar to vinyasa however you transition between poses more often. I loved this style, it definitely felt like a workout but at the same time was a great meditative journey. More advanced inversions are done in the middle of the floor and the teacher walks around and gives you adjustments. You start off chanting a script that you apparently must pick up if you practice this style, because everyone in the class seemed to know it. I stood quitely and tried to take everything in. I love the consistent movement and I would definitely suggest that everyone check it out

yoga works flow

I was so happy when i got my groupon for yoga works, 2 weeks of unlimited classes at any of the yoga works studios. Yoga works is a great studio since it offers a wide variety of classes. The first class I chose was yoga works flow, which for me kinda felt more like an exercise class that I might have taken at the gym. Each pose was done with the assistance of blocks, a strap, or a blanket. It definitely felt like a workout for my thighs. We did yoga poses and held them for at least 5 or more breaths. This class also included backbends with assistance from blocks which was pretty cool. All in all not my favorite of the yoga classes, but definitely good for strength training and stamina

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

First Class (Antigravity Yoga)

Upon returning to the city I started researching what was offered in the area. I really wanted to take Forrest Yoga and there were only 3 places that offered it, one being Om Factory. Upon checking out the Om factory schedule I stumbled upon this class called anit-gravity yoga. Om factory is really cool, they offer an ecletic array of classes from Acro-Yoga to Yoga Fight Club (can't wait to try that-almost peed my pants when I saw it). I had heard about this anti-gravity class on the news about 3 years ago and remembered that it looked kinda fun. The Anti-Gravity class is done in a hammock. I know it sounds totally weird but its really interesting. With the use of the hammock you can do inversions much easier, its like being a kid on the monkey bars. While it didn't feel like much of a workout while I was in the class I have never experienced such a high after a yoga class in my life. Because you have the support of the hammock your spine elongates in ways that just don't seem humanly possible. I have never done a spinal twist while hanging upside down. The class ends with savasana in a hammock. Its very similar to being wrapped in a cocoon. With all the lengthning I think you just get this unbelievable rush of relaxing energy. The studio is extremely clean and modern. They have showers, but no lockers. Although the class didn't seem too strenuous I would definitely do it again, just for relaxation purposes. Well on to the next class.

The Inspiration

During one of the most relaxing work trips of my life to the beautiful city of Boston, I was able to take advantage of two amazing yoga classes at Back Bay Yoga. I have been practicing Bikram Yoga for 2 years (yay!!!!!!!!) this month, although i still can't do Dandayamana-JanuShirasana (standing head to knee pose for those who don't speak Sanskrit). Anyone who knows me knows that I can't go through the day without my Bikram fix, I love the heat, I love how I feel afterwards physically and emotionally, and I love the Bikram community. I had dabled in vinyasa yoga at a couple of studios thoughout the world but while I was in Boston I stumbled upon this hip hop yoga class, my dream come true. I always dreamed that one day I might become a yoga teacher that taught a class to hip hop and jazz music. I never knew that that type of class existed and low and behold on a random day off I stumbled upon this Hip Hop Yoga. The class was amazing and I was so inspired that the next day I decided to take a rock, pop, and hop yoga class. I returned to the city (NYC) totally blissed out and spent my whole train ride looking up yoga retreats in Costa Rica, Mexico, Bali, Greece, and India.

Upon realizing that I probably wouldn't get a chance to go on a retreat anytime soon I thought why not go on a journey of my own self discovery through yoga and take every style of Yoga that was offered. This is where my journey begins.